Error response body

The response body contains information regarding an error that occured.
The data may be formatted in json or xml.

  • We do not support all json or xml specifications. We intend only to support features that are common to both json and xml.

General structure

WebConnect returns all of it's error information in one root object 'error'. This root object always contains the nodes 'code' and 'message'.

This is an example of an error response body for an update of an article which is currently being edited in Venice:
    "error": {
        "code": "errRecordLocked",    
        "message": "errRecordLocked:The record is locked by another user.Try again later."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <message>errRecordLocked:The record is locked by another user.Try again later.</message>

The following rules apply:

  • The 'error' node will always be available in an error response body.
  • The 'code' node will always be available in an error node however it might contain an empty string.
  • The 'message' node will always be available in an error node and will always contain a string.